Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Where are you? ( The right one)

Sometimes I think being single and not having special someone makes us sad. But it’s sort of a mix of other feelings too.

Unhappy though, we can let our heart set back and wait for the right person who will come along when the time is right.

And when that time comes, it will be totally meaningful.

Life without boyfriends or girlfriends will leave us more time for ourselves. We will have time to review our past, what we’ve done and not done. We’ll stop and pay attention to other things that probably are equally important instead of focusing only on our boyfriends or girlfriends. This gives us an opportunity to even focus on ourselves more and take care of ourselves physically and mentally. Thinking positive and working out, living a healthy lifestyle.

Anyway everything depends on situations. We have to look at the world from different angles. After all, it’s all your choices. Whatever you choose, choose what is best for you.

See you when I’m lucky too (hopefully!)

Saturday, January 16, 2010

When the world require from us

This moment i think there's no other news bigger that the earthquake in Haiti

It feels good to hear that there's still hope when various organizations all around the world try to help those who suffered loss in this disaster. Sometimes I think I was lucky to be born and live in Thailand because it doesn't have an earthquake there; we were blessed without such natural disaster.

People around the world may have many different lifestyles, but everyone has to respect one law; that is the law of nature. We could not break the law of nature or we would get impacted. In my opinion, "Nature" is like the master of balances. If we were to compare and give duty to nature, nature would sit in director position having power to punish or reward humanity.

I think we are born to survive and selfishly try to do so even if it means taking anvantage of other races or natural environment.

They just don't care as long as it benefits them in term of "money." I believe that if humans only know how to take, but not to give, we are sure to be destroyed by nature one day. Nature would come in and seize the power from us to keep everything in balance again.

The best thing we should do right here and right now is begin doing someting unselfish. Start with ourselves.

Let’s help to saves the world with us

Friday, January 15, 2010

Wat Thai of Los Angeles :วัดไทยลอสแอลเจลิส

8225 Coldwater Canyon Ave. North Hollywood, CA 91605
Tel: (818) 780-4200 press 609 Fax: (818) 780-0616

more info :http://www.watthai.com/
map :http://www.izhappy.com/listing/detail.php?id=52699

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Wat Padhammachart :วัดป่าธรรมชาติ

14036 Don Julian Rd., La Puente, CA 91746
Tel.(626) 336-2224  Fax.(626) 330-0924

more info :http://www.watpala.org/
map :http://www.izhappy.com/listing/detail.php?id=52698

Friday, January 1, 2010

Begining with smiling

If you're happy and you know, just clap your hands
If you're happy and you know, just clap your hands
If you're happy and you know, and you really want to show
If you're happy and you know, just read my blog

Hi everyone !!! the new year festival just passed us 2-3 days ago right?

Welcome back to work and the begining of new year resolutions.

Someone might change their habit in a good way.Yes, it's good to think right, speaking and doing in the right way, don't you think so? For me, I have my resolutions as well. I will not eat late meal, always keep my shape slender; the more important thing is to keep beautiful as much as I could because i'm a young lady who always want to have baby face.(hahahahaha) don't be sick of my words. Just joking around anyway.

The old year finished and the new year began. I would like to give blessing to everyone:

''Good Luck, Good health, Good humanity, Good things returning to me please'' let's say ''Satoo'' after i am finished okay?(hahahaha ).

Hold on don't make your face like that let's read until you finish first.

The last thing actually says that the good things returns to me after they come for each and everyone of my readers.

See you when some fun needed,