Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Where are you? ( The right one)

Sometimes I think being single and not having special someone makes us sad. But it’s sort of a mix of other feelings too.

Unhappy though, we can let our heart set back and wait for the right person who will come along when the time is right.

And when that time comes, it will be totally meaningful.

Life without boyfriends or girlfriends will leave us more time for ourselves. We will have time to review our past, what we’ve done and not done. We’ll stop and pay attention to other things that probably are equally important instead of focusing only on our boyfriends or girlfriends. This gives us an opportunity to even focus on ourselves more and take care of ourselves physically and mentally. Thinking positive and working out, living a healthy lifestyle.

Anyway everything depends on situations. We have to look at the world from different angles. After all, it’s all your choices. Whatever you choose, choose what is best for you.

See you when I’m lucky too (hopefully!)

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