Saturday, January 16, 2010

When the world require from us

This moment i think there's no other news bigger that the earthquake in Haiti

It feels good to hear that there's still hope when various organizations all around the world try to help those who suffered loss in this disaster. Sometimes I think I was lucky to be born and live in Thailand because it doesn't have an earthquake there; we were blessed without such natural disaster.

People around the world may have many different lifestyles, but everyone has to respect one law; that is the law of nature. We could not break the law of nature or we would get impacted. In my opinion, "Nature" is like the master of balances. If we were to compare and give duty to nature, nature would sit in director position having power to punish or reward humanity.

I think we are born to survive and selfishly try to do so even if it means taking anvantage of other races or natural environment.

They just don't care as long as it benefits them in term of "money." I believe that if humans only know how to take, but not to give, we are sure to be destroyed by nature one day. Nature would come in and seize the power from us to keep everything in balance again.

The best thing we should do right here and right now is begin doing someting unselfish. Start with ourselves.

Let’s help to saves the world with us

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