Friday, January 1, 2010

Begining with smiling

If you're happy and you know, just clap your hands
If you're happy and you know, just clap your hands
If you're happy and you know, and you really want to show
If you're happy and you know, just read my blog

Hi everyone !!! the new year festival just passed us 2-3 days ago right?

Welcome back to work and the begining of new year resolutions.

Someone might change their habit in a good way.Yes, it's good to think right, speaking and doing in the right way, don't you think so? For me, I have my resolutions as well. I will not eat late meal, always keep my shape slender; the more important thing is to keep beautiful as much as I could because i'm a young lady who always want to have baby face.(hahahahaha) don't be sick of my words. Just joking around anyway.

The old year finished and the new year began. I would like to give blessing to everyone:

''Good Luck, Good health, Good humanity, Good things returning to me please'' let's say ''Satoo'' after i am finished okay?(hahahaha ).

Hold on don't make your face like that let's read until you finish first.

The last thing actually says that the good things returns to me after they come for each and everyone of my readers.

See you when some fun needed,

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