Friday, December 25, 2009


Let's sing this song together with me my reader.

Are you ready? then

here we go

''Jingle bells''

Oh what fun it is to ride

 In a one-horse open sleigh hey!!!! ETC,

I'm pretty believe this moment no one doesn't know this song because of everyone suppose to busy about finding some present for each other or finding the beautiful place to go there on Christmas day or some of them will decorate their house for welcome to greeting season
wishing to celebrate with their lover or member in family just i'm close my eyes to thinking about that it is already make me smiling and dreaming of how to make a wish or resolution

“What am i going to do in next years?’’

If talking about ''Resolution'' it’s very good opportunity to use special day ,to define your goal because of every life who born in this world they're all have meaning ,mostly social they're will looking on the result of their work, put it this way to understanding it would be easier to you to get it .

i'll saying ''the valuable thing of human depend on what they're doing''

first step that will drive people to reaching their goal ,we're must to belief first that we’ll able to do it by our small hands ,but this times i'll specific how to use the belief in right way and drive us to purposely.

What is the right way?
yourself + another one = won’t get impact (possitive way)

uhm... balance will helping you to judge what is the right way? because of right thinking and right understanding. they're staying in the middle of the leaf side and the right side of human mind ,so what we're suppose to do is we need to look the world by shouldn't use our wrong point of view to decide something from surface ,it’s suppose to be realistic as much we could by right vision it’s standing on the moral.

then when people mind stand in the balance thinking after that they'll able to manage their life in right way and holding their belief to drive them in right road.

So my belief is doing a good thing then will get reward from it any other way ,i won't care how long will succeed also won't compare myself with other people.

I hope everyone will get some right thinking become right understanding and keep that thing be belief in goodness to drive us to making something in right way.

 Let's belief in goodness with me then we'll have member to create our world with our clean heart by stand strong.

See you when you’re need to change your point of view

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