Friday, March 5, 2010

Faithful in love

I would like to say ''Hello'' to my reader first.Becuase of that suppose to do than any thing else right?

Uhm......this week i just staying at home and watching Thai drama
and i would like talking one drama but the point that i will specifically about faithful in Love

In the drama they are mention about love between 2 people but they have trouble in their love.The lady she does not trust her lover let enemy bother her life and finally they must break up with each other cause from the lady mind she sensitive too much lost in her emotion and she saw her boyfriend go to hotel with one lady(his friend) by the enemy create situation for let her see and become mistake on her boyfriend.

But the real fact is they going hotel for working, nothing than that .Everything from her mind get insecure and trust people out side than her love. Also she does not have believe in her man ,in the other hand listening somebody who have bad intention would like she break up with her boyfriend instead she will listening her own love just a bit but she believe in what she had seen.

She must ending her love by her mind.I just trying to let everyone see what i had been seen in drama that is all.

Sometime i think we able to bring something from drama to adapting in real life.

So this drama teaching me should not trust someone else who does not even our relative than our family or our lover the best thing is we suppose to stop and listening what they saying and use reason as much we could some story might be not like our mind think we should judge everything on right way ,otherwise we will sad in after what we had been judge someone like the girl in drama.

I'm truly believe in the truth when we have lover should give chance and forgive word to them more than one times

If we were wrong something even our self would like our lover give chance to us lover as well right?
Let's talking with each other by clam and should not use hot temperd with each other .

Lucky in love ,God blessing you.

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