Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Be happy with myself

Wow! since i looked at the calendar this week is begining new month already such a very fast like this same as they always saying ''Time and tide wait for no man'' still useful with every era to teaching humanity.

Let's start new month with happiness.

I really want to know in this month what the lover they are loves to doing? or would like to hang out for link their relationship on special month ,Just i have been thinking about it make me imagination to emotion how they confession the love for each other. Okay i am rambling should be enough next i'll focus on my purposely how to happy on this month and this week as well eventhough we don't have our lover to celebrate with us on valentine day.

but we able to having fun without them isn't?

Just thinking being a single life have much more fun because of we don't have bond to tight us and don't have to care of someone that where are they ? what are they doing?

we don't have to wasting my time to thinking of another one than our self right?

Please should thinking this world have many thing for us to searching and get the happiness from the little thing surrounding us to made your mind happy with me.

''happy happy happy in life Satoo!!!''

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