Thursday, November 26, 2009

Power of Love

Due to the fact that i have written about source of spirit at the last time then this time i'd like to mention about ''Love''

You may think it isn't interesting that much but please give me a second don't ever judge it unless you’ll read untill you're finished with my stories first then you will find out what I purposely try to write about

Also, loving they have much more meaning in there right? who have been with this kind of experiences about the love thing will understand than someone who doesn't even get opportunity to touch it before.

I won't specifically say about love between women and men because i've already known everyone can see in comon day easily by direct experiences or watching TV,listening to the music or reading from fictions but i'm going to talk about how to use the love and drive us to succeed with your dreams .Well ,put it this way please let’s bring the power of love to make your life's better in right way with us.

First step to manage the power of love is you supposed to ask yourself first by this simple question next like this
1.Why you've been born? (define your direction)
2.What would you desire being in your life? (what you really want in your life)

You should realise your goal or make it to be easy way by just bringing one of your pen with the paper in your hand and after that you might be writing down everything in there, for example myself i'll write down and answer questions myself with first question that ''i've been born because i must do my mission'' also give details and describe reasons why you need to do this thing depending on person(individual) so that you can write down your dreams in there as well second question is i'll answer question like this''in my life i desire to be the happiest person in the world so i really want happiness that's all''some of you may be specific that the success is in love ,financial, or whatever human needs,it's up to you please go ahead ,don't be shy or anything and honest to yourself as much as you could

Second step is when you knowingly know what your directtion is and you already know source of spirit from last article that i have been sharing with you then the last thing that you're supposed to do is asking to yourselfwith this question ''who are staying in your heart right now?''don't have to be just your lover, you can look around yourself or who are your idol?and who can make you smile when you feel tired with life ,i pretty much believe everyone already has the answer in your mind ,don't have to tell me just keep your love in your heart with the answer then smile to your self

Finally the power of love will drive you to manage yourself or lead you to create something without tiredness or be able to say you will feel tired less than ever. What is the directtion in your life ?

Because love is one of inspriration and also has great power to inspire us then it's not too difficult for us to bring the power of love to be our ambition so they will encourage us to be able to create the best thing or great thing in our life, isn't it? It seems like why i let everyone ask yourself so much right? because first step to succeed in everything is that they come from oursleves first,and that is the best thing to find the right way to create our life to be better.

I think we are the only one that create our reality please keep going and try to reach your goal by the power of love then at least i will stand by whoever has hero in their heart and better your life by our smallhands ,hopefully everyone will succeed with the power of love.

see you anytime when feel exhausted

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